
The Chambers Board of Education held their regular meeting on November 13 at 7:00 PM and there was a great showing of district interest as nearly 50 people were in attendance.  The Board acted on the annual school audit, negotiations for the certified faculty members, superintendent evaluation, and contract for the superintendent.  The Board of Education and the Chambers Education Association entered into a two-year agreement that will keep CPS competitive in salary and benefit options when and if the district has teacher vacancies.

I would like to thank the Board for their support and confidence by offering a two-year contract for the superintendent position.  One of the most critical responsibilities for the Board of Education is to select an educational leader for the district.  This essential responsibility is not taken lightly, and I appreciate the opportunity to be part of the district and community.

In the last six years there has been tremendous growth in district curriculum updates including Math, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.  There has also been a substantial investment in our elective offerings by updating equipment in Family Consumer Sciences, Industrial Arts, and in curriculum for our agricultural course offerings.  During this same time critical updates have been made in technology, school safety, and infrastructure.

When working with 120 students, 30 employees, six board members, 200 plus parents, and even more grandparents and community members it is unlikely that all parties will be in agreement 100% of the time.  It is important to build a foundation of trust to be able to share differing opinions while still moving the district forward.  All opinions are valid and need to be heard.  The passion for the district and students is easy to see by the great participation at the last school board meeting.  This input is extremely valued and welcomed.

The board of education will be having a work session on Monday, November 27 at 7:00 PM.  This work session will review the District Strategic Plan, progress that has been made, and to discuss the next steps moving forward.  I hope that you can attend this meeting and be part of the discussion as we continue to build consensus on how to keep advancing the district.

In this time of thanksgiving, I would like to personally express a sincere appreciation for all the support that has been given and look forward to working with all patrons to find solutions for the betterment of our district.  I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. 

Mr. Jesse